Slough Safeguarding Adults Partnership

Signs of abuse

You may become concerned that someone is being abused in a number of ways:

  • the person may tell you
  • the person may say something that worries you
  • you may see something – an incident or an injury or other sign

 You might see and/or hear something happen:

  • someone being bullied or intimidated
  • someone being made to feel frightened or unhappy
  • someone in a situation of unnecessary risk

The person or somebody else might say something that gives cause for concern, for example:

  • a colleague
  • family member
  • member of the public

There might be physical signs or unexplained or unusual injuries:

  • bruises                             
  • slap marks
  • black eyes                       
  • bleeding
  • burns or scalding           
  • cigarette marks
  • torn, stained or blood stained clothes

 There may be other signs such as:

  • inappropriate, dirty or soiled clothes
  • no food or drink available for the person
  • bills not being paid or services, e.g. telephone cut off
  • shortage of money

The person might say things or behave in a way that causes you concern:

  • the person may seem unhappy or distressed
  • the person may appear frightened, anxious or agitated without an obvious cause, or in relation to certain people
  • sleeping problems
  • constant visits to the toilet without a medical reason
  • other unexplained changes in how the person behaves

The behaviour of a colleague or other person might cause concern:

  • dismissive or intolerant attitude
  • task / routine orientated rather than person focused
  • not a team player; insists on doing tasks on their own or in their way; secretive about contact with clients
  • oversteps professional boundaries with clients and colleagues, maybe overfriendly; neglects professional development

You may not know. It is enough that you are worried. You must act.

Useful Links

If you are worried about an adult at risk of abuse or neglect

Call 01753 475111 or email

Safeguarding Training video

The Safeguarding Partnership has produced a video about Safeguarding basics during COVID-19.  Click on this Link to access.

National helplines

Samaritans: 116 123
Domestic Violence Hotline: 0808 2000 247
Mind: 0300 123 3393
Age UK: 0800 169 6565

Thinking of volunteering? Click on this link:

Video for those volunteering in Slough on THIS LINK

Video for those volunteering and new to safeguarding on THIS LINK