Supporting adults who self-neglect: Multi agency protocol and practice guidance
This interagency protocol has been developed and co-produced by partners across Slough Safeguarding Partnership.
Self Neglect Protocol and Practice Guidance
The aim of the protocol is to serve as a guide and toolkit for professionals and agencies to be more consistent in the way in which we jointly identify, assess and coordinate support and reduce risks that arise for adults who self-neglect.
This guidance should be read in conjunction with the Slough Hoarding Protocol and the Slough framework for multi-agency working with those who do not access services.
This guidance has also been developed in line with the Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Policies and Procedures These procedures are being reviewed as of January 2025.
Supporting people who Self Neglect: A friends and family leaflet
Slough Safeguarding Partnership has worked with SBC Co-Production network to produce a simplified leaflet for friends and family members to help people who may be self neglecting. The leaflet can be found here.
This leaflet aims to help friends and family members to identify if someone they care about may be self neglecting, and to know what to do to help them. It also contains details of helpful organisations and a contact for Slough Adult Care Services.